Getting Started with React Native
Now you have chosen React Native framework to build Native mobile apps probably because of the technology it leverages and the language you are coming from.
It’s great that you have and you will find that really runs on the native side. All you now have to worry about is getting familiar with this framework.
You try to watch videos and it usually gets boring coupled with the fact that you are faced with limited time to get familiar with this new framework for mobile development.
Well coming from a web developer background, you should know that is pretty easy for you and all you have to do now is get your hands dirty and not waste endless times watching videos.
Ideally, you should find simple React Native projects online that doesn’t seem overwhelming, dissect this simple project, break them and put them back in a different way, to form a similar project from what you initially had.
You can find a simple React Native Login Screen here which is free and built with a production mindset, simply coded and doesn’t seem overwhelming for a beginner.
Your Journey with React Native should be exciting as it opens new doors for you and giving you potential job opportunity and more client base if you a freelancer.
You can look to get other Mobile App templates built with a production mindset for quick learning and building for your clients.